Wednesday 29 April 2015



Readings at Mass

First reading
Acts 13:13-25 ©
Paul and his friends went by sea from Paphos to Perga in Pamphylia where John left them to go back to Jerusalem. The others carried on from Perga till they reached Antioch in Pisidia. Here they went to synagogue on the sabbath and took their seats. After the lessons from the Law and the Prophets had been read, the presidents of the synagogue sent them a message: ‘Brothers, if you would like to address some words of encouragement to the congregation, please do so.’ Paul stood up, held up a hand for silence and began to speak:
  ‘Men of Israel, and fearers of God, listen! The God of our nation Israel chose our ancestors, and made our people great when they were living as foreigners in Egypt; then by divine power he led them out, and for about forty years took care of them in the wilderness. When he had destroyed seven nations in Canaan, he put them in possession of their land for about four hundred and fifty years. After this he gave them judges, down to the prophet Samuel. Then they demanded a king, and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin. After forty years, he deposed him and made David their king, of whom he approved in these words, “I have selected David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will carry out my whole purpose.” To keep his promise, God has raised up for Israel one of David’s descendants, Jesus, as Saviour, whose coming was heralded by John when he proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the whole people of Israel. Before John ended his career he said, “I am not the one you imagine me to be; that one is coming after me and I am not fit to undo his sandal.”’

Psalm 88:2-3,21,22,25,27 ©
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord;
  through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth.
Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever,
  that your truth is firmly established as the heavens.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
I have found David my servant
  and with my holy oil anointed him.
My hand shall always be with him
  and my arm shall make him strong.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
My truth and my love shall be with him;
  by my name his might shall be exalted.
He will say to me: ‘You are my father,
  my God, the rock who saves me.’
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
You, O Christ, are the faithful witness,
the First-born from the dead,
you have loved us and have washed away our sins with your blood.

John 13:16-20 ©
After he had washed the feet of his disciples, Jesus said to them:
‘I tell you most solemnly,
no servant is greater than his master,
no messenger is greater than the man who sent him.
‘Now that you know this, happiness will be yours if you behave accordingly. I am not speaking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what scripture says must be fulfilled: Someone who shares my table rebels against me.
‘I tell you this now, before it happens,
so that when it does happen
you may believe that I am He.
I tell you most solemnly,
whoever welcomes the one I send welcomes me,
and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.’


SCRIPTURE READINGS: ACTS 13:13-25;. JN 13:16-20
The theme of proclamation and evangelization dominates the scripture readings during this week of Easter. Like the early disciples, we are called to proclaim the Good News. But what is this good news that we are called to proclaim?  Simply this: the fidelity of the Father to us.  Yes, today’s scripture readings affirm the fidelity of God to us.  In the first reading, St Paul recounted the history of salvation which began with the election of Israel and culminating in Jesus as the promised saviour of God.  In spite of man’s infidelity and lack of openness to God, God has never withdrawn His love from us.  He continues to love us even to the extent of giving up His life for us in Jesus. In the gospel, we have Jesus who showed His fidelity to the Father in spite of the fact that He had to suffer.  For this reason, we are called to proclaim Christ to others because He is the Good News of God’s unconditional love and fidelity to us.  Consequently, it is important for us to ask how we can experience the Good News today so that we can proclaim it as such.  The answer is clear: the only way to experience the Good News as good news is that we become faithful ourselves.  But what does fidelity entail?
Firstly, fidelity means that we are conscious of the fact that we are sent by Jesus just as Jesus is sent by the Father.  Fidelity in this case is to know our role in this mission, which is to proclaim Jesus as the promised messiah.  This mission is given by the Father through Jesus.  We are not the originator of the mission.  Thus, if we want to be true apostles of Jesus, we must take heed of His words seriously about our position and function with regard to the mission.  We must be humble like John the Baptist who recognized that he was simply preparing the way for the messiah.  So clear was he of his role that John the Baptist declared, “I am not the one you imagine me to be; that one is coming after me and I am not fit to undo his sandal.”  Hence, apostles of the Good News must be careful that we do not project ourselves and allow people to worship us instead of leading people to Christ.  The great temptation for religious leaders, whether clerical or lay is that more often than not, under the guise of religion, we can make use of our privileged position for our own interests, to secure power and popularity rather than to make Jesus known and loved.
For this reason, Jesus told His disciples, “No servant is greater than his master; no messenger is greater than the man who sent him.”  And he added, “Now that you know this, happiness will be yours if you behave accordingly.” The implication of this subordinate role of the messenger means that fidelity requires us to be dependent on Jesus for our mission.  We cannot be true messengers of Jesus if we do not realize our own inadequacy.  Without Jesus, we can do nothing.  The true messenger of Jesus therefore would be first and foremost a student of Jesus.
Unless, we sit at the feet of Jesus, we cannot proclaim Jesus to others.  We must spend time listening and learning from Jesus about life, truth and love.  Without realizing our need for Jesus, we can get swell-headed and listen to ourselves instead of listening to the wisdom of God.
Thirdly, fidelity to our mission simply means being what Jesus is.  Fidelity requires us to be so identified with Jesus just as Jesus identified Himself with the Father.  Only on this basis could Jesus say “whoever welcomes the one I send welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”  Of course, such identification with Jesus will naturally flow when we have spent time with Jesus in deep intimacy.  As we grow in love for Jesus and in understanding of Jesus, we will necessarily acquire His mind and heart, His vision and His love.
In this way, the promise of Jesus is fulfilled, by behaving accordingly, we will find happiness in life.  This is because in clinging to Jesus, learning from Him and imitating Him, we become one with Him and find life for ourselves; and thereby acquiring the authority to proclaim what Jesus has done for us to others.  Let us pray that we will never fall into the temptation of Judas in today’s gospel.  Instead of listening to Jesus and working for his cause, Judas turned against Him and betrayed Jesus.  May our fidelity to Jesus and the Good News bring us and our hearers the true happiness that we are all seeking for in life.

Written by The Most Rev William Goh
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore
© All Rights Reserved

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