Tuesday 6 February 2018



06 FEBRUARY, 2018, Tuesday, 5th Week, Ordinary Time
Readings at Mass
Liturgical Colour: Red.

First reading
1 Kings 8:22-23,27-30 ©

'Listen to the prayer your servant makes in this place'
In the presence of the whole assembly of Israel, Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord and, stretching out his hands towards heaven, said, ‘O Lord, God of Israel, not in heaven above nor on earth beneath is there such a God as you, true to your covenant and your kindness towards your servants when they walk wholeheartedly in your way. Yet will God really live with men on the earth? Why, the heavens and their own heavens cannot contain you. How much less this house that I have built! Listen to the prayer and entreaty of your servant, O Lord my God; listen to the cry and to the prayer your servant makes to you today. Day and night let your eyes watch over this house, over this place of which you have said, “My name shall be there.” Listen to the prayer that your servant will offer in this place.
  ‘Hear the entreaty of your servant and of Israel your people as they pray in this place. From heaven where your dwelling is, hear; and, as you hear, forgive.’

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 83(84):3-5,10-11 ©
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord, God of hosts.
My soul is longing and yearning,
  is yearning for the courts of the Lord.
My heart and my soul ring out their joy
  to God, the living God.
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord, God of hosts.
The sparrow herself finds a home
  and the swallow a nest for her brood;
she lays her young by your altars,
  Lord of hosts, my king and my God.
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord, God of hosts.
They are happy, who dwell in your house,
  for ever singing your praise.
Turn your eyes, O God, our shield,
  look on the face of your anointed.
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord, God of hosts.
One day within your courts
  is better than a thousand elsewhere.
The threshold of the house of God
  I prefer to the dwellings of the wicked.
How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord, God of hosts.

Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
Train me, Lord, to observe your law,
to keep it with my heart.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Bend my heart to your will, O Lord,
and teach me your law.

Mark 7:1-13 ©

You get round the commandment of God to preserve your own tradition
The Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered round Jesus, and they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with unclean hands, that is, without washing them. For the Pharisees, and the Jews in general, follow the tradition of the elders and never eat without washing their arms as far as the elbow; and on returning from the market place they never eat without first sprinkling themselves. There are also many other observances which have been handed down to them concerning the washing of cups and pots and bronze dishes. So these Pharisees and scribes asked him, ‘Why do your disciples not respect the tradition of the elders but eat their food with unclean hands?’ He answered, ‘It was of you hypocrites that Isaiah so rightly prophesied in this passage of scripture:
This people honours me only with lip-service,
while their hearts are far from me.
The worship they offer me is worthless,
the doctrines they teach are only human regulations.
You put aside the commandment of God to cling to human traditions.’ And he said to them, ‘How ingeniously you get round the commandment of God in order to preserve your own tradition! For Moses said: Do your duty to your father and your mother, and, Anyone who curses father or mother must be put to death. But you say, “If a man says to his father or mother: Anything I have that I might have used to help you is Corban (that is, dedicated to God), then he is forbidden from that moment to do anything for his father or mother.” In this way you make God’s word null and void for the sake of your tradition which you have handed down. And you do many other things like this.’


SCRIPTURE READINGS: [ 1KGS 8:22-2327-30PS 84:3-510-11MK 7:1-13 ]
Catholics are often accused of subscribing to man-made traditions.  Indeed, Catholic traditions such as Ash Wednesday, fasting, abstinence from meat on Fridays, making the sign of the cross, pilgrimages, use of holy water, and other pious practices are often seen as acting against scripture.
On the surface, this accusation appears to be backed up by scripture.  After all, Jesus Himself appeared to have belittled the Jews’ strict adherence to the traditions of their ancestors, such as the ritual purifications required before meals.  When the “Pharisees and scribes asked him, ‘Why do your disciples not respect the tradition of the elders but eat their food with unclean hands?’  He answered, ‘It was of you hypocrites that Isaiah so rightly prophesied in this passage of scripture: This people honours me only with lip-service, while their hearts are far from me. The worship they offer me is worthless, the doctrines they teach are only human regulations.”
In the context of Jesus’ saying, it is true that the practice of religion alone cannot bring us to God.  Religion is certainly not faith, nor is it spirituality, unless we imbibe the spirit of the traditions.  If, like the Jews, we simply perform the rituals without the correct motives or intentions, then such practices cannot bring us closer to God.  We would be making use of religion to soothe our selfish motives.  Indeed, some of us think that just because we perform certain religious practices, we are holy.  Rather, such practices are meant to help us grow in holiness and purity.
Yet, spirituality cannot be separated from religion.  If we claim that we have the Spirit of prayer and worship, then there is no other way to express that Spirit other than to express it in words and gestures.  Such embodiment of the Spirit is what we call ‘traditions’.  To pray in spirit, we need to express it in traditions.  We are embodied spirits.  We must be careful of a disembodied spirituality.  Religion is the expression of spirituality.  The traditions of the Church are expressions of the One Tradition.  It is important that we make a distinction between traditions and Tradition.  Traditions are how we express the one Tradition we have received.  Tradition refers to the essentials of the Faith, the Spirit or truth of the gospel.  Traditions which are expressions of this faith and thus man-made, can be changed.  But one cannot avoid traditions, otherwise faith will live in the abstract.
Thus, we must reject the separation of spirituality from religion. It would be a serious dichotomy for one to say: “I’m not interested in religion; I’m interested in spirituality”.  This is because spirituality is a way of seeing and a way of living.  The way we live out the Spirit is by expressing it in shared traditions and expressions.  Culture is therefore the expression of the collective values or vision of a community.  So long as there are human beings, there is culture.  Culture is the collective expression of the values of a community.  Christian tradition or Catholic tradition therefore is the expression of our faith beliefs in worship and religious symbols.
Even Christians who claim to worship in spirit cannot do without tradition.  The way they pray and worship is part of tradition.  Coming to church to worship is tradition.  Scripture is tradition.  In many ways, the way they pray are traditions inherited from the Jewish and Catholic Faith.  If they were without tradition, they could simply stay at home and pray without scriptures, like the Zen Buddhists.  But even Zen has tradition because they meditate in a certain way.  Thus, there is no such thing as a neat and pure spirituality without traditions.
Indeed, King Solomon recognized the inadequacy of the Temple to contain God, since God is greater than the temple.  He asked, “Yet will God really live with men on the earth?  Why, the heavens and their own heavens cannot contain you. How much less this house that I have built!”  We cannot put God in a box since the whole earth is His footstool.  Realizing this however did not prevent the Israelites from constructing a temple for the Lord because they knew that they needed the Temple more than God, for they needed to be reminded of His presence. Hence, Solomon prayed thus, “Day and night let your eyes watch over this house, over this place of which you have said, “My name shall be there.”  Listen to the prayer that your servant will offer in this place. Hear the entreaty of your servant and of Israel your people as they pray in this place.  From heaven where your dwelling is, hear; and as you hear, forgive.”  So traditions and rituals can be helpful.  When used properly they can lead people to experience God.  They are means to encounter God.
Hence, we must say that there is a distinction between religion and spirituality, but there is no separation.  That Jesus confronted His Jewish peers for allowing some of their religious traditions to distract them from the essential spirituality of their Jewish faith, does not tantamount to attacking the Israelite religion as a whole. He was trying to reform it. What is really important in worship is that we have a clean heart and a clean mind and not simply clean hands or body.  We must go into the heart of the traditions and its intentions.  A hypocritical observance of such external practices will give the false impression that we are fulfilling the laws of God.
Yes, Solomon, and Jesus sought to us teach us that religion without spirituality has no soul, and spirituality without religion has no body. Religion and spirituality go together.  Nevertheless, it must be said that true spirituality is expressed in traditions.  However, traditions need not always express the true spirituality.

Written by The Most Rev William Goh, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore © All Rights Reserved

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