Tuesday 31 March 2020



01 April, 2020, Wednesday, 5th Week in Lent

Readings at Mass

Liturgical Colour: Violet.

First reading
Daniel 3:14-20,24-25,28 ©

God has sent his angel to rescue his servants

King Nebuchadnezzar said, ‘Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, is it true that you do not serve my gods, and that you refuse to worship the golden statue I have erected? When you hear the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, or any other instrument, are you prepared to prostrate yourselves and worship the statue I have made? If you refuse to worship it, you must be thrown straight away into the burning fiery furnace; and where is the god who could save you from my power?’ Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to King Nebuchadnezzar, ‘Your question hardly requires an answer: if our God, the one we serve, is able to save us from the burning fiery furnace and from your power, O king, he will save us; and even if he does not, then you must know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the statue you have erected.’ These words infuriated King Nebuchadnezzar; his expression was very different now as he looked at Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He gave orders for the furnace to be made seven times hotter than usual, and commanded certain stalwarts from his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and throw them into the burning fiery furnace.
  Then King Nebuchadnezzar sprang to his feet in amazement. He said to his advisers, ‘Did we not have these three men thrown bound into the fire?’ They replied, ‘Certainly, O king.’ ‘But,’ he went on ‘I can see four men walking about freely in the heart of the fire without coming to any harm. And the fourth looks like a son of the gods.’
  Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed, ‘Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: he has sent his angel to rescue the servants who, putting their trust in him, defied the order of the king, and preferred to forfeit their bodies rather than serve or worship any god but their own.’

Responsorial Psalm
Daniel 3:52-56 ©
To you glory and praise for evermore.
You are blest, Lord God of our fathers.
To you glory and praise for evermore.
Blest your glorious holy name.
To you glory and praise for evermore.
You are blest in the temple of your glory.
To you glory and praise for evermore.
You are blest on the throne of your kingdom.
To you glory and praise for evermore.
You are blest who gaze into the depths.
To you glory and praise for evermore.
You are blest in the firmament of heaven.
To you glory and praise for evermore.

Gospel Acclamation
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!
Man does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!
Blessed are those who, 
with a noble and generous heart,
take the word of God to themselves
and yield a harvest through their perseverance.
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus!

John 8:31-42 ©

If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed

To the Jews who believed in him Jesus said:
‘If you make my word your home
you will indeed be my disciples,
you will learn the truth
and the truth will make you free.’
They answered, ‘We are descended from Abraham and we have never been the slaves of anyone; what do you mean, “You will be made free”?’ Jesus replied:
‘I tell you most solemnly,
everyone who commits sin is a slave.
Now the slave’s place in the house is not assured,
but the son’s place is assured.
So if the Son makes you free,
you will be free indeed.
I know that you are descended from Abraham;
but in spite of that you want to kill me
because nothing I say has penetrated into you.
What I, for my part, speak of
is what I have seen with my Father;
but you, you put into action
the lessons learnt from your father.’
They repeated, ‘Our father is Abraham.’ Jesus said to them:
‘If you were Abraham’s children,
you would do as Abraham did.
As it is, you want to kill me
when I tell you the truth
as I have learnt it from God;
that is not what Abraham did.
What you are doing is what your father does.’
‘We were not born of prostitution,’ they went on ‘we have one father: God.’ Jesus answered:
‘If God were your father, you would love me,
since I have come here from God;
yes, I have come from him;
not that I came because I chose,
no, I was sent, and by him.’


SCRIPTURE READINGS: [DANIEL 3:14-2091-92.95JOHN 8:31-42]
The world today is obsessed with personal freedom.  The world has abused the notion of freedom to the extent that it has become a new form of slavery.  This was what the Lord told the Jews, “I tell you most solemnly, everyone who commits sin is a slave.”  Indeed, when one cannot control his sexual desires, lives a life of promiscuity, is under the influence of drugs, addicted to pornography, drinking, smoking and gambling, is vindictive and revengeful of those who are perceived as obstacles to one’s desires and ambitions, and obsessed with power, money and fame, how can anyone in his right frame of mind say that is freedom?  Anyone who is under any form of addiction, lacks self-control and the ability to live a life of grace and love, is not free.  It is slavery under the guise of freedom.
Freedom is not an option to choose good or evil.  Freedom is the ability to choose life, love and truth.  When one lacks the capacity to do what is true and good, one has lost his or her freedom.  He or she is a slave of the world and a slave of Satan.  So those who claim to be free are saying that they are free from God but unfortunately, they are not free to choose good over evil.  Rather, they have surrendered their freedom to the world, the flesh and Satan.  Such people might appear to be happy doing whatever they like to do, flirting and sleeping around, eating and drinking and getting drunk, wearing fine clothes and living in style.  Those of us who have given ourselves to the world and Satan, feel deep in our hearts, emptiness, guilty, angry and resentful.  We are impatient, demanding and self-centered.  Our lives have no meaning because we only live for ourselves.
Indeed, the world promises freedom to all except to those who disagree with their form of freedom.  If we are against relativism, promiscuity, the sanctity of marriage and family, abortion, euthanasia, killing and wars, then we are wrong.  We may not express our disagreement or rejection.  Otherwise, we will be attacked ferociously by so called promoters of freedom and truth.  They will not mince their words to attack those who hold views that differ from theirs.   We are called to conform to how the world defines freedom.  So even on this level, freedom is not absolute.  This is the greatest irony of today’s world, the dictatorship of relativism.  Just before they do not believe in God or the Sacred, they demand that the whole world subscribe to secularism, where God is completely put out of public space even though in many countries there are more believers in the Sacred or in God than agnostics, which is between 15% and 25%. In reality, most of us are not free.  We are so worried about public opinion; what people say or whether they like what we do.  We use politically correct language.  We are afraid to offend people by speaking the truth.  We are ambiguous and ambivalent in expressing our opinions.  Sometimes under pressure, because of the fear of losing our jobs or popularity, we subscribe to popular views.  We know we are saying things which are even against the Church, just so that we can win the favour of some influential people.
In a similar vein, the Babylonian King wanted everyone to worship his gods.  Otherwise they would be put to death.  The king threatened the three young men.  He said, “Is it true that you do not serve my gods, and that you refuse to worship the golden statue I have erected? When you hear the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, or any other instrument, are you prepared to prostrate yourselves and worship the statue I have made? If you refuse to worship it, you must be thrown straight away into the burning fiery furnace; and where is the god who could save you from my power?”  He did not allow freedom of worship.  He sought to impose his religion on others.  This is the other spectrum of dictatorship.
Again, we must come back to the true meaning of freedom, which is to be faithful to the truth. Since in relativism, no truth can be found, it cannot be the criterion to determine what is good or evil.  Relativism leads to individualism and pragmatism.  Freedom can only be exercised when what we do is for the good of all, for the promotion of life, love and truth.   If freedom is used to promote self to the detriment of the legitimate rights of others, that freedom cannot be permitted because there cannot be absolute freedom in this life.  So in whatever we do, we must always ask, whether it is true, whether it is good, whether it serves life, love and truth.
Today, we are asked to stand up for what we believe to be the truth, especially in our faith.  Do we have the courage to be like the three young men in the first reading?  They displayed remarkable faith when put to the test.  Instead of bowing down to the gods of the king, even under the threat of death, they remained steadfast.   They replied to King Nebuchadnezzar, “Your question hardly requires an answer: if our God, the one we serve, is able to save us from the burning fiery furnace and from your power, O king, he will save us; and even if he does not, then you must know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the statue you have erected.”  Although they were captives and prisoners of the king, they were really the ones that were truly free.  They were so free that nothing could disturb or unsettle their faith in God.  They were ready to die for their faith in God without conditions.  They accepted death if God did not want to save them.  Their allegiance to God and faith in Him was complete and total.  Few of us have this kind of faith.  Many of us profess our faith in God with so many conditions, provided He grants us good health and success, He heals us or our loved ones of sickness, or we strike lottery or get promoted in our job or have success in business.   Indeed, for them, it was better to entrust their lives to God than to the foreign gods or be in the hands of men.
How, then, can we remain true to our faith so that we enjoy true freedom?  “To the Jews who believed in him Jesus said: ‘If you make my word your home you will indeed be my disciples, you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free’.”  We need the Word of God.  Unless we abide in His Word, He will not abide in us. This was what the Lord told His disciples, “They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.” (Jn 14:21)  “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  (Jn 15:7) We are called to be true disciples of Christ.  By living according to the gospel, listening to His word and obeying Him, we are free for love and for life.  Christ’s teachings free us for service of God and humanity.  Most of all, He frees us even from our enemies as He did for the three young men because He taught us not to focus on them but on God’s love and mercy.  We can put our trust in God who will act on our behalf.  “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'” (Rom 12:19)
Secondly, we must reclaim our dignity as the sons and daughters of God. When we commit sin, we are slaves of sin.  The greatest form of slavery is to be under the bondage of the Evil One, our desires and attachment.  Sin causes us to be blind to what is good and true.  Jesus told the Jews that if they wanted to enjoy the freedom of the children of God, they must live in the truth.  It was not enough simply to be just children of Abraham, unless they shared in his faith as well.  Similarly, baptism does not necessarily make us children of God unless we live our lives as such.  We know that we are children of God only when we live a life of freedom founded on truth and love. Indeed, God shows Himself to be faithful to us when we are faithful to Him. God will protect His sons and daughters.  Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: he has sent his angel to rescue the servants who, putting their trust in him, defied the order of the king, and preferred to forfeit their bodies rather than serve or worship any god but their own.”  Indeed, we know that, like the three young men, even if we have to suffer in this life, we will share in Christ’s life in the life to come, because we will rise with Him to eternal life.

Written by The Most Rev William Goh, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore © All Rights Reserved

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