Sunday 22 March 2015



Readings at Mass
First reading
Daniel 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62 ©
In Babylon there lived a man named Joakim. He had married Susanna daughter of Hilkiah, a woman of great beauty; and she was God-fearing, because her parents were worthy people and had instructed their daughter in the Law of Moses. Joakim was a very rich man, and had a garden attached to his house; the Jews would often visit him since he was held in greater respect than any other man. Two elderly men had been selected from the people that year to act as judges. Of such the Lord said, ‘Wickedness has come to Babylon through the elders and judges posing as guides to the people.’ These men were often at Joakim’s house, and all who were engaged in litigation used to come to them. At midday, when everyone had gone, Susanna used to take a walk in her husband’s garden. The two elders, who used to watch her every day as she came in to take her walk, gradually began to desire her. They threw reason aside, making no effort to turn their eyes to heaven, and forgetting its demands of virtue. So they waited for a favourable moment; and one day Susanna came as usual, accompanied only by two young maidservants. The day was hot and she wanted to bathe in the garden. There was no one about except the two elders, spying on her from their hiding place. She said to the servants, ‘Bring me some oil and balsam and shut the garden door while I bathe.’
  Hardly were the servants gone than the two elders were there after her. ‘Look,’ they said ‘the garden door is shut, no one can see us. We want to have you, so give in and let us! Refuse, and we will both give evidence that a young man was with you and that was why you sent your maids away.’ Susanna sighed. ‘I am trapped,’ she said ‘whatever I do. If I agree, that means my death; if I resist, I cannot get away from you. But I prefer to fall innocent into your power than to sin in the eyes of the Lord.’ Then she cried out as loud as she could. The two elders began shouting too, putting the blame on her, and one of them ran to open the garden door. The household, hearing the shouting in the garden, rushed out by the side entrance to see what was happening; once the elders had told their story the servants were thoroughly taken aback, since nothing of this sort had ever been said of Susanna.
  Next day a meeting was held at the house of her husband Joakim. The two elders arrived, in their vindictiveness determined to have her put to death. They addressed the company: ‘Summon Susanna daughter of Hilkiah and wife of Joakim.’ She was sent for, and came accompanied by her parents, her children and all her relations. All her own people were weeping, and so were all the others who saw her. The two elders stood up, with all the people round them, and laid their hands on the woman’s head. Tearfully she turned her eyes to heaven, her heart confident in God. The elders then spoke. ‘While we were walking by ourselves in the garden, this woman arrived with two servants. She shut the garden door and then dismissed the servants. A young man who had been hiding went over to her and they lay down together. From the end of the garden where we were, we saw this crime taking place and hurried towards them. Though we saw them together we were unable to catch the man: he was too strong for us; he opened the door and took to his heels. We did, however, catch this woman and ask her who the young man was. She refused to tell us. That is our evidence.’
  Since they were elders of the people, and judges, the assembly took their word: Susanna was condemned to death. She cried out as loud as she could, ‘Eternal God, you know all secrets and everything before it happens; you know that they have given false evidence against me. And now have I to die, innocent as I am of everything their malice has invented against me?’
  The Lord heard her cry and, as she was being led away to die, he roused the holy spirit residing in a young boy named Daniel who began to shout, ‘I am innocent of this woman’s death!’ At which all the people turned to him and asked, ‘What do you mean by these words?’ Standing in the middle of the crowd he replied, ‘Are you so stupid, sons of Israel, as to condemn a daughter of Israel unheard, and without troubling to find out the truth? Go back to the scene of the trial: these men have given false evidence against her.’
  All the people hurried back, and the elders said to Daniel, ‘Come and sit with us and tell us what you mean, since God has given you the gifts that elders have.’ Daniel said, ‘Keep the men well apart from each other for I want to question them.’ When the men had been separated, Daniel had one of them brought to him. ‘You have grown old in wickedness,’ he said ‘and now the sins of your earlier days have overtaken you, you with your unjust judgements, your condemnation of the innocent, your acquittal of guilty men, when the Lord has said, “You must not put the innocent and the just to death.” Now then, since you saw her so clearly, tell me what tree you saw them lying under?’ He replied, ‘Under a mastic tree.’ Daniel said, ‘True enough! Your lie recoils on your own head: the angel of God has already received your sentence from him and will slash you in half.’ He dismissed the man, ordered the other to be brought and said to him, ‘Spawn of Canaan, not of Judah, beauty has seduced you, lust has led your heart astray! This is how you have been behaving with the daughters of Israel and they were too frightened to resist; but here is a daughter of Judah who could not stomach your wickedness! Now then, tell me what tree you surprised them under?’ He replied, ‘Under a holm oak.’ Daniel said, ‘True enough! Your lie recoils on your own head: the angel of God is waiting, with a sword to drive home and split you, and destroy the pair of you.’
  Then the whole assembly shouted, blessing God, the saviour of those who trust in him. And they turned on the two elders whom Daniel had convicted of false evidence out of their own mouths. As prescribed in the Law of Moses, they sentenced them to the same punishment as they had intended to inflict on their neighbour. They put them to death; the life of an innocent woman was spared that day.
Alternative First reading
Daniel 13:41-62 ©
Susanna was condemned to death. She cried out as loud as she could, ‘Eternal God, you know all secrets and everything before it happens; you know that they have given false evidence against me. And now have I to die, innocent as I am of everything their malice has invented against me?’
  The Lord heard her cry and, as she was being led away to die, he roused the holy spirit residing in a young boy named Daniel who began to shout, ‘I am innocent of this woman’s death!’ At which all the people turned to him and asked, ‘What do you mean by these words?’ Standing in the middle of the crowd he replied, ‘Are you so stupid, sons of Israel, as to condemn a daughter of Israel unheard, and without troubling to find out the truth? Go back to the scene of the trial: these men have given false evidence against her.’
  All the people hurried back, and the elders said to Daniel, ‘Come and sit with us and tell us what you mean, since God has given you the gifts that elders have.’ Daniel said, ‘Keep the men well apart from each other for I want to question them.’ When the men had been separated, Daniel had one of them brought to him. ‘You have grown old in wickedness,’ he said ‘and now the sins of your earlier days have overtaken you, you with your unjust judgements, your condemnation of the innocent, your acquittal of guilty men, when the Lord has said, “You must not put the innocent and the just to death.” Now then, since you saw her so clearly, tell me what tree you saw them lying under?’ He replied, ‘Under a mastic tree.’ Daniel said, ‘True enough! Your lie recoils on your own head: the angel of God has already received your sentence from him and will slash you in half.’ He dismissed the man, ordered the other to be brought and said to him, ‘Spawn of Canaan, not of Judah, beauty has seduced you, lust has led your heart astray! This is how you have been behaving with the daughters of Israel and they were too frightened to resist; but here is a daughter of Judah who could not stomach your wickedness! Now then, tell me what tree you surprised them under?’ He replied, ‘Under a holm oak.’ Daniel said, ‘True enough! Your lie recoils on your own head: the angel of God is waiting, with a sword to drive home and split you, and destroy the pair of you.’
  Then the whole assembly shouted, blessing God, the saviour of those who trust in him. And they turned on the two elders whom Daniel had convicted of false evidence out of their own mouths. As prescribed in the Law of Moses, they sentenced them to the same punishment as they had intended to inflict on their neighbour. They put them to death; the life of an innocent woman was spared that day.

Psalm 22:1-6 ©
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
The Lord is my shepherd;
  there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pastures
  where he gives me repose.
Near restful waters he leads me,
  to revive my drooping spirit.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
He guides me along the right path;
  he is true to his name.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness
  no evil would I fear.
You are there with your crook and your staff;
  with these you give me comfort.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
You have prepared a banquet for me
  in the sight of my foes.
My head you have anointed with oil;
  my cup is overflowing.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me
  all the days of my life.
In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell
  for ever and ever.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.

Gospel Acclamation
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
Now is the favourable time:
this is the day of salvation.
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
I take pleasure, not in the death of a wicked man
– it is the Lord who speaks –
but in the turning back of a wicked man
who changes his ways to win life.
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!

John 8:1-11 ©
Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again; and as all the people came to him, he sat down and began to teach them.
  The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery; and making her stand there in full view of everybody, they said to Jesus, ‘Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery, and Moses has ordered us in the Law to condemn women like this to death by stoning. What have you to say?’ They asked him this as a test, looking for something to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. As they persisted with their question, he looked up and said, ‘If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Then he bent down and wrote on the ground again. When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest, until Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained standing there. He looked up and said, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’ ‘No one, sir’ she replied. ‘Neither do I condemn you,’ said Jesus ‘go away, and do not sin any more.’

SCRIPTURE READINGS: DANIEL 13:1-9.15-17.19-30.33-62 (or verses 41-62); JOHN 8:1-11
What is your immediate reaction upon hearing the story of Susanna?  Is it one of joy and satisfaction that justice was done and there was a happy ending?   Such a reaction is normal because we are shocked like the rest of the contemporaries of Susanna that judges who hold such a dignified position perpetuate injustice themselves.  The outcry is that they do not deserve any mercy.

However, if we were to think in this manner, we are no better than the Pharisees in today’s gospel.  They too felt that the woman deserved death when they caught her for adultery.  They had no mercy for her despite the fact that the man was not caught.

But should we be shocked?  Aren’t we the Pharisees of today?  St John Paul II in his apostolic letter on the dignity of women (Mulieris dignitatem, ch.5) warns us: “Jesus seems to say to the accusers: Is not this woman, for all her sin, above all a confirmation of your own transgressions, of your “male” injustice, your misdeeds?  This truth is valid for the whole human race…A woman is left alone, exposed to public opinion with “her sin”, while behind “her” sin there lurks a man – a sinner, guilty “of the other’s sin”, indeed equally responsible for it.  And yet his sin escapes notice, it is passed over in silence … How often, in a similar way, the woman pays for her own sin and she pays all alone!  How often is she abandoned with her pregnancy, when the man, the child’s father, is unwilling to accept responsibility for it?  And besides the many “unwed mothers” in our society, we also must consider all those who, as a result of various pressures, even on the part of the guilty man, very often “get rid of” the child before it is born. “They get rid of it”: but at what price?”

Yet, it is understandable that we all want to protect ourselves at all costs.  Even murderers plead innocent when they are caught.  No one wants to pay for their sins.  Instead of asking for forgiveness in humility by acknowledging our sins and follies, we inflict greater injury to those whom we have hurt.   We suppress our conscience like the judges in today’s first reading.

But once again, we are shocked and perhaps scandalized by Jesus in the gospel.  Jesus did not think like us in the face of sin.  Confronted with the demands of the Jewish leaders to make a judgment on the adulterous woman, Jesus refused to condemn her.  Instead Jesus said, “If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

The truth is that we are all sinners like the elders and the Pharisees but because we have kept our hidden sins so well suppressed, we fail to realize that we are sinners too.  Indeed, it is ironic that when it comes to others’ sins, we are so quick to pass harsh judgment on them but we are blind when it comes to our own.  Indeed, there is none too blind as those who would not see.  Forgetting our own sins, we therefore can only see the sins of others.  For if only we could see our sins, then the ones who should be condemned is ourselves!

This explains why Jesus wrote on the ground twice.  The first time, He probably wrote the sins of the woman.  But the second time, when pressurized to condemn the woman, Jesus wrote the sins of the scribes and Pharisees.  Perhaps because of this, when Jesus challenged them, saying, “If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her”, each one from the oldest to the youngest left, since no one could say that he has no sin.

Unfortunately the scribes and Pharisees left the scene.  They failed to receive the grace of forgiveness the Lord wanted to give them.  It is significant that the Lord wrote their sins and that of the woman on the ground.  I interpret this as the Lord saying that our sins are written on sand, which can easily be erased by the mercy of God.  He does not write our sins on tablets.  He knows our sinfulness and our weaknesses. That is why the Lord accords us forgiveness unconditionally.

Of course, sometimes, we cannot forgive ourselves for what we have done.  The woman did not accuse her partner but accepted her mistakes with humility without retaliation.  Yet, there could be a possibility that she might begin to hate herself as some of us do when we have done something wrong.  We become so depressed and even hate ourselves, as we are unable to accept our mistakes in life.

That is why Jesus reassured the woman, “Neither do I condemn you”.  He is saying to us, I did not come to condemn sinners but to save sinners.  That does not mean that He condones sin.  On the contrary, He warned the woman, “Go away and don’t sin any more.”  All that Jesus wants for us is to change and not continue to hurt ourselves.  The moment we repent of our sins, everything is forgiven and forgotten.  Jesus never condemns sinners, but only the sin.  Yes, the Good News is that we are forgiven and loved always by God.

Yes, if Jesus could identify with the woman, it was because Jesus Himself has also been wrongly accused and misunderstood by His enemies.  Today as we enter the fifth week of Lent which was originally known as Passion Week, the mounting hostility against Jesus increases each day.

Today, our innocent Lord invites us to be merciful and to be forgiving, especially to sinners.  If He as Lord and God could forgive His enemies and sinners like us who nail Him to the cross by our sins, surely we, in the power of His forgiveness, can render that forgiveness to those who sin, and especially to those who have been unjust and unkind to us.  During this season of Lent, may we share in the innocent sufferings of Christ in faith, just like Susanna in the first reading.  Let us also entrust our miseries to the Lord, pleading for His mercy for as the response of the responsorial psalm declares, “Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side”.

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