Tuesday 9 February 2016



Readings at Mass
Liturgical Colour: Violet.

First reading
Joel 2:12-18 ©
‘Now, now – it is the Lord who speaks –
come back to me with all your heart,
fasting, weeping, mourning.’
Let your hearts be broken, not your garments torn,
turn to the Lord your God again,
for he is all tenderness and compassion,
slow to anger, rich in graciousness,
and ready to relent.
Who knows if he will not turn again, will not relent,
will not leave a blessing as he passes,
oblation and libation
for the Lord your God?
Sound the trumpet in Zion!
Order a fast,
proclaim a solemn assembly,
call the people together,
summon the community,
assemble the elders,
gather the children,
even the infants at the breast.
Let the bridegroom leave his bedroom
and the bride her alcove.
Between vestibule and altar let the priests,
the ministers of the Lord, lament.
Let them say,
‘Spare your people, Lord!
Do not make your heritage a thing of shame,
a byword for the nations.
Why should it be said among the nations,
“Where is their God?”’
Then the Lord, jealous on behalf of his land,
took pity on his people.

Psalm 50:3-6,12-14,17 ©
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
  In your compassion blot out my offence.
O wash me more and more from my guilt
  and cleanse me from my sin.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.
My offences truly I know them;
  my sin is always before me
Against you, you alone, have I sinned;
  what is evil in your sight I have done.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
  put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
  nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Give me again the joy of your help;
  with a spirit of fervour sustain me,
O Lord, open my lips
  and my mouth shall declare your praise.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.

Second reading
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 ©
We are ambassadors for Christ; it is as though God were appealing through us, and the appeal that we make in Christ’s name is: be reconciled to God. For our sake God made the sinless one into sin, so that in him we might become the goodness of God. As his fellow workers, we beg you once again not to neglect the grace of God that you have received. For he says: At the favourable time, I have listened to you; on the day of salvation I came to your help. Well, now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation.

Gospel Acclamation
Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!
A pure heart create for me, O God,
and give me again the joy of your help.
Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!
Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!
Harden not your hearts today,
but listen to the voice of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!

Matthew 6:1-6,16-18 ©
Jesus said to his disciples:
  ‘Be careful not to parade your good deeds before men to attract their notice; by doing this you will lose all reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give alms, do not have it trumpeted before you; this is what the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win men’s admiration. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.
  ‘And when you pray, do not imitate the hypocrites: they love to say their prayers standing up in the synagogues and at the street corners for people to see them; I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you pray, go to your private room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.
  ‘When you fast do not put on a gloomy look as the hypocrites do: they pull long faces to let men know they are fasting. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that no one will know you are fasting except your Father who sees all that is done in secret; and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.’


In the first reading, the prophet, Joel was predicting the downfall of Judah and the impending judgement of God if they did not repent.  They would have to face the punishment of God, suffering the plague of locusts which would devastate the whole Kingdom.  On another level, this prophecy also hints at the invading enemy that would eventually take over Judah unless the people repented and be united in the Lord.  This, too, was the call of St Paul when he exhorted his people, “We are ambassadors for Christ; it is as though God were appealing through us, and the appeal that we make in Christ’s name is: be reconciled to God … For he says: At the favourable time, I have listened to you; on the day of salvation I came to your help. Well, now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation.”
We are in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. This is the same call of Pope Francis.  God is merciful to us.  He is the Lord of compassion.  As Joel said, “he is all tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness, and ready to relent.” St Paul begs us “not to neglect the grace of God that you have received.”  The season of Lent, which begins with the celebration of Ash Wednesday, is a time of grace.  God wants to renew His love and mercy for us.  He does not want us to harm ourselves.   The call to repentance is not to take away our joy and our happiness and freedom.  Rather, it is to give us true joy, lasting happiness and true freedom from our sins, follies and hurts.  The mercy and compassion of God is readily available to all who come to Him as the prophet says, “Who knows if he will not turn again, will not relent, will not leave a blessing as he passes, oblation and libation  for the Lord your God? … Then the Lord, jealous on behalf of his land, took pity on his people.”
However, to receive His mercy, we must come back to Him with a sincere and contrite heart.  This is what the prophet was telling his people. “Now, now – it is the Lord who speaks – come back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning. Let your hearts be broken not your garments torn, turn to the Lord your God again.”  The call to enter into the mercy of God is preceded by repentance of heart.   It calls for true sorrow for our sins and for living a life that hurts us and our loved ones.  Sin always is a lack of love and causes sorrow and misery.  We all know that because of our greed, lust, anger, negligence and sloth, we have caused others to suffer.  Thus, as Joel reminds us, we need to lament sincerely for our wrong doings.  “Between vestibule and altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, lament. Let them say, ‘Spare your people, Lord! Do not make your heritage a thing of shame, a byword for the nations, “Where is their God?”‘
This is what the Lord is also reminding us in today’s gospel of the dangers of external display without a corresponding change of heart.  Rending our garments is not sufficient to receive God’s grace.  Receiving ashes on our foreheads alone does not make us holy.  Indeed, we can even perform the three pillars of the Lenten exercises, namely, prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and yet it will not do us any good.  He told the disciples, “Be careful not to parade your good deeds before men to attract their notice; by doing this you will lose all reward from your Father in heaven.”   Indeed, we must not do things to impress others because it shows the lack of genuine sorrow and love.  That we want people’s attention means that we only reinforce the sin of pride and egotism in us.   Perhaps, we can cheat the world by appearing to be good but certainly not for long because they will see through us.  We can pray seven times a day, fast and give alms, but when they see our lifestyles, the way we talk and act, they will immediately know that we are hypocrites.  Even if the world cannot see, God sees through us and He knows that our heart is not for Him but for ourselves.
How, then, can we develop a contrite and sincere heart of repentance?  Firstly, we need to pray.  But as Jesus advised us, “when you pray go to your private room and, when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.”  This is not to say that we should not join in community prayers, but we need time to be alone with the Lord, meditating and contemplating on His Word, doing a thorough examen every day, examining where we have failed to love God and give glory to Him; and when we have failed to recognize Him in our daily life.  Without self-awareness through prayer, we cannot grow in holiness.  I believe that many people are hardly aware of their true selves.  They sincerely think that they are quite holy and very good but they are blind to their faults and defensive when their weaknesses are highlighted.  As a result, they never grow in virtues and in holiness.  Although they can pray the whole day, be active in church, teach and preach the Word of God, yet their lives are anything but that of the life of Christ, lacking in generosity and compassion.  We must pray with the psalmist, “My offences truly I know them; my sin is always before me. Against you, you alone, have I sinned; what is evil in your sight I have done.”
Secondly, we need to fast.  This is by no means an easy exercise.  For some, they are not able to fast because they will feel giddy and unable to work or do anything.  Yet, if we fast according to our ability, since fasting has different degrees, from forgoing food altogether to fasting on bread and water, or half-meals, we can reap some graces from this exercise.  It teaches us to discipline the body so that we can discipline our mind and spirit.   It helps us to identify with the pain and suffering of Christ so that we can appreciate His sufferings more and how much He loves us. “For our sake God made the sinless one into sin, so that in him we might become the goodness of God.”  Fasting is also a sure way to express our deep sincerity in desiring the grace of conversion and holiness.  Anyone who is willing to pay a price for what he wants dearly will find it.   Success is not for the faint hearted, so too is holiness!  Above all, fasting reminds us to depend on God alone as Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Mt 4:4)
Thirdly, to grow in sincerity of heart, we need to give alms.  Helping the poor, reaching out to them, attending to the sick, feeling and empathizing with the wounded and the weak; being with the distress and broken hearted, help us to share the joy and mercy of God who comes to be with us.   In giving alms, we learn to appreciate what we have and the sufferings of humanity so that we will go beyond our suffering.  The reason why we complain so much is because each one of us magnifies our sufferings, privation and woes as if our crosses are the biggest and the most difficult in this world.  There are many more who are suffering, so we are not alone.  Through reaching out to the poor and suffering in all its different dimensions, we become grateful and more willing to share what we have with others.  By so doing, we become compassionate, loving and able to let go of our own pains and our things as well.
For us as Catholics, we are fortunate that we need not take this journey alone.  The whole Church, together with the catechumens preparing for their baptism, is going through this journey.   When we travel together, finding support and encouragement from each other, we can better enter into this state of repentance and prayer.  This was why Joel urged the whole nation to repent and fast together.  He said, “Sound a trumpet in Zion! Order a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, call the people together, summon the community, assemble the elders, gather the children, even the infants at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his bedroom and the bride her alcove. Between vestibule and altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, lament.”  This is the same call of the Church today as we begin the season of Lent.   During Mass, at the imposition of ashes, the priests says, “Repent and believe in the gospel” or “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”  Truly, let us realize the shortness of life.  Let us not deprive ourselves of the grace of God that has been given to us.  Let us receive God’s mercy as we enter into the spirit of Lent, the spirit of repentance through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Written by The Most Rev William Goh Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore © All Rights Reserved

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